Wednesday, May 9, 2007

what i really think

it really does seem like the 27things went by fast. some were fun, good ideas, others not so much.
as far as helping me reach my lifelong learning goals, i guess it helped me learn some new things, although they were not necessarily things at the top of my list. (like learning how to write a haiku.) but it did inspire me to focus on learning new things.
my favorites were the flickr mash-ups, and the silly animation ones. anything silly and useless is what i like best, i suppose. i was surprised by some of the choices, like rss feeds, as well as by how many different tools there are out there that you have to have a login and password for.
i didn't really need help with anything, but we did have several discussions about learning 2.0 where we talked about different ways of blogging that we'd tried. so there was some collaboration. i would definitely like to see any new technologies that come up that would be related to what we do at the library. i think this was a little bit too broad at times, and then too specific at others. if we had just one specific thing we were looking at, that had just been released or we had just begun to use, that might be more useful.
and i would definitely do it again. whatever frustrations i had were not insurmountable, and were not even close to what some people had. i enjoyed it, and i would tell myself that participating was worth it. (especially once i get that mp3 player.)

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