Wednesday, March 28, 2007

library thing

good times. i love this site. of course i already have one, as i mentioned before, so i checked out the other two sites. shelfari sure is fancy. i think i'll stick with what i have, but it certainly looks flashier than library thing. i'm glad that you included how to link your books to your blog. i'm sure there are some people who are technical enough to figure that out. here's my link. like i said in my other post, i'm fairly far behind in updating it. maybe one day i'll get all my books on there.


i have never used technorati before, so this was fun to learn about. in the discovery exercise i actually found an awesome kcls learning 2.0 blog. awesome mainly because of its title : "i for one welcome our new librarian overlords". simpson's quotes are always my favorites. i found that one when i did the search for learning 2.0. strangely, the search for kcls27things was much less fruitful. it came up with only four blogs, and not all of them were even blogger blogs.
my personal blog apparantly does not come up at all, which makes sense, since only family and friends know about it, and it's not a blogger blog. so now i have to decide if i want to register it. i already get all kinds of comment spam. don't know if i really want to open myself up to more abuse. we'll see.

Monday, March 26, 2007

delicious . . . is an interesting site. i used to use furl to do pretty much the same thing. furl adds a widget (or something) to your computer, and when you run across a site you like and want to save, you have a "furl it" button you can click. i don't think that i ever saw a "furl it" link on any article, the way you see links to i am sure that as a social networking tool, is much more useful because of its seeming ubiquitous-ness these days. i haven't looked at my furl account in ages. i may set up an account with at some point, but since i don't use furl really anymore, i can't see that i would use it that often.
i am super excited for the library thing post. everyone should know about that. my brother-in-law bought me a lifetime account since i obviously have more than 200 books. it is in sad need of an update, but i'll get to that eventually. be sure to mention the widgets that let you link "books in my library" to your blog. i'm going to go set that up for this blog right now. that's one of the best parts about library thing. (now i won't have anything to say for the library thing post, but oh well. :p)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


i think that myspace is entirely relevant to libraries, especially because it is so relevant to our patrons. i think it's a great idea for kcls to have a myspace account, as well as separate accounts created by the teen librarians for individual libraries. facebook is different. even though high schools (and other groups) have been getting in, i think it is mostly still a school related site. it makes sense for it to be different from myspace in some way or another, and if that limits who can make accounts, than that is better.
i actually like facebook better. these different social networking sites remind me of free email accounts; you have an account for a little while, and then you start getting a bunch of spam. so far, my facebook account has been relatively spam-free. so hopefully it will remain that way. myspace seems incredibly juvenile compared to facebook, and i think it's because facebook tried for so long to be selective about who could create accounts.
i did not create a new myspace account for this, just browsed some of the features on mine. i haven't looked at it in quite some time. so that was entertaining. :P

more rss fun

i added four more rss feeds to my bloglines today. i found that the actual bloglines search engine worked a lot better than the other ones suggested. the others that i looked at were just a little bit difficult, counterintuitive. the bloglines one is super straightforward and easy.
so now i actually subscribed to slashdot,, unshelved, and one about climate change. so if i remember to check them, that will be good!

Monday, March 12, 2007

rss feeds etc

wow. i can definitely see that we have the potential to lose a lot of participants on this week's lesson. that was more steps than i was expecting to have to go through. i already use google to provide rss feeds for all of the sites that i am interested in, but i did find some new ones today. the shifted librarian looks particularly interesting, i'll have to remember to keep an eye on that one.
it will be difficult for me to remember to check bloglines to get these feeds. is there a way to link it to my google homepage? i'll have to figure that out.
rss feeds are interesting and useful. i feel like bloglines are a little bit unwieldy. it's a lot easier to set up a yahoo or google homepage, and then just get all your feeds there. google is the best.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


2 7 Rusty T H I Pewter Letter N G for Grenier and Garage DSCN5594_1
wow! mash-ups are fun. i didn't realize that they were third party, so i was having a hard time figuring out how to get there from flickr's site. this one is cool. i'm going to explore some more.
well, i really wanted to include the actual picture, but i couldn't figure out how. so here's the link: 0006663 - Sprite on Flickr - Photo Sharing! i found it doing the color thing. that is a handy tool. flickr is so much fun.

flickr - week # 3

i'll admit, i kind of cheated on this one. i already have a flickr account, and i did not want to create a new one, so i just stuck with my old one. i had a cool (in my opinion) picture posted already, so i tagged that. it has the nancy pearl action figure, so i think it pertains to the library. :)
i'm curious to learn about mash-ups in the next lesson. that is something that i don't know much about.