Wednesday, March 28, 2007


i have never used technorati before, so this was fun to learn about. in the discovery exercise i actually found an awesome kcls learning 2.0 blog. awesome mainly because of its title : "i for one welcome our new librarian overlords". simpson's quotes are always my favorites. i found that one when i did the search for learning 2.0. strangely, the search for kcls27things was much less fruitful. it came up with only four blogs, and not all of them were even blogger blogs.
my personal blog apparantly does not come up at all, which makes sense, since only family and friends know about it, and it's not a blogger blog. so now i have to decide if i want to register it. i already get all kinds of comment spam. don't know if i really want to open myself up to more abuse. we'll see.

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