Monday, March 26, 2007

delicious . . . is an interesting site. i used to use furl to do pretty much the same thing. furl adds a widget (or something) to your computer, and when you run across a site you like and want to save, you have a "furl it" button you can click. i don't think that i ever saw a "furl it" link on any article, the way you see links to i am sure that as a social networking tool, is much more useful because of its seeming ubiquitous-ness these days. i haven't looked at my furl account in ages. i may set up an account with at some point, but since i don't use furl really anymore, i can't see that i would use it that often.
i am super excited for the library thing post. everyone should know about that. my brother-in-law bought me a lifetime account since i obviously have more than 200 books. it is in sad need of an update, but i'll get to that eventually. be sure to mention the widgets that let you link "books in my library" to your blog. i'm going to go set that up for this blog right now. that's one of the best parts about library thing. (now i won't have anything to say for the library thing post, but oh well. :p)

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