Monday, April 23, 2007

library 2.0

these articles were interesting, although it's true that some of it is just semantics. i think that kcls does a good job keeping up with our patrons needs, and i disagree with some of the authors who say that we should thin the collection, because people no longer need books as much. i agree that having books in digital and audio formats is extremely useful for many patrons, and should be available for as many books as possible. but i love books. i love libraries. i love reading books that many others have read before me, and then passing those books on to be used by the next person. and i know many people who feel the same way as i do. we need books in our collection, as well as a virtual collection.
i thought dr. wendy schultz's article was interesting, although it went in a few strange directions. is anybody really talking about library 3d? or library 4.0? these seem further in the future than we need to consider. if we're still arguing about library 2.0, who knows what the next form will look like?

personalized search engines

wow, rollyo is really lame. i saw the warning about ads, but still. i did a search for game programs, and not only did it not really come up with anything useful, but the first ad at the top was for the full sail school for video game programming. full sail is like the worst game programming school. i think you'd be better off just going in at the bottom level and working your way up then getting a degree from there. so anyways, rollyo did not impress me.
obviously i liked google a lot better. it actually came up with relevant results from the sites is was searching. i got four or five results that were directly related to game programs.
so, naturally, i used google to create my own search engine. i can see how this would be useful, but honestly, having to just come up with one off the top of my head wasn't very good. if i needed one for something, it would be different. but i don't, so i just made something up, which i probably won't go back to. but now i know that it exists if i ever do want to use such a thing.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

fun and games

these image and text generators are fairly amusing. i did both the simpsons and south park characters, so now the challenge is in getting them posted correctly. the simpsons wasn't diverse enough for me. i couldn't deal with the way the female bodies looked so i went for a more male-looking, or androgynous one.

okay, so there's that. now let's try the south park one.
put those together (somehow) and i guess you get me! yay.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

resistance is futile

phew! that exercise was more difficult than i thought it would be. i guess that's what i get for doing it without reading the directions thoroughly and carefully. but now it's done right. i missed the step involving choosing "link type", and that just threw me all off. and now i have successfully joined the collective.

Monday, April 2, 2007


i liked the examples of wikis that were shown in this post. i've used wikis before, and of course i use wikipedia all the time. i liked the idea of posting helpful suggestions on a wiki, for everyone to use. and the book suggestions wiki is a great idea.
i found wikis very helpful, when they were used for sign-ups for school presentations. we also used a wiki to sign up for teacher conferences. it was much easier than a paper sign-up sheet, and made it so we didn't have to be at school to sign up.
one thing about accuracy in wikis: i have an acquaintance who finds it amusing to alter wikipedia in incredibly obnoxious ways. i don't know how fast they usually change it back, but he's done it a couple of different times. i'm not sure if he changes his login information or what, but it's good to know that someone checks up on that sort of thing. his history of the fall of the roman empire was certainly not accurate.