Monday, April 2, 2007


i liked the examples of wikis that were shown in this post. i've used wikis before, and of course i use wikipedia all the time. i liked the idea of posting helpful suggestions on a wiki, for everyone to use. and the book suggestions wiki is a great idea.
i found wikis very helpful, when they were used for sign-ups for school presentations. we also used a wiki to sign up for teacher conferences. it was much easier than a paper sign-up sheet, and made it so we didn't have to be at school to sign up.
one thing about accuracy in wikis: i have an acquaintance who finds it amusing to alter wikipedia in incredibly obnoxious ways. i don't know how fast they usually change it back, but he's done it a couple of different times. i'm not sure if he changes his login information or what, but it's good to know that someone checks up on that sort of thing. his history of the fall of the roman empire was certainly not accurate.

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