Monday, April 23, 2007

personalized search engines

wow, rollyo is really lame. i saw the warning about ads, but still. i did a search for game programs, and not only did it not really come up with anything useful, but the first ad at the top was for the full sail school for video game programming. full sail is like the worst game programming school. i think you'd be better off just going in at the bottom level and working your way up then getting a degree from there. so anyways, rollyo did not impress me.
obviously i liked google a lot better. it actually came up with relevant results from the sites is was searching. i got four or five results that were directly related to game programs.
so, naturally, i used google to create my own search engine. i can see how this would be useful, but honestly, having to just come up with one off the top of my head wasn't very good. if i needed one for something, it would be different. but i don't, so i just made something up, which i probably won't go back to. but now i know that it exists if i ever do want to use such a thing.

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